Saturday, February 9, 2008

the oval office, from one library to the next

also known as: You know you're a nerd when you have worked in a library since middle school and can't seem to escape them and all of their peaceful charm.

My dad gets the hebbie gebbies in libraries, among others places like middle schools and hospitals. Luckily for me, libraries give me happy-town feelings and soooooo...

Today I went into Reagan's Air Force One! and the exact replica of the oval office. Those Nicholas Cage movies (you KNOW me and nick are bff. duh. squared)? surprisingly accurate. not totally but a little right which is more than i thought could be.

so so these days i'm working at the ronald reagan presidential library in the special collections. i'm doing inventory on all of the gifts he and nancy recieved while in office. o. my. stars. we're talking mountains of gifts. so crazy! I would say the most beautiful gift is a tree given from the wild and somewhat terrible emilda marcos. picture a tree somewhat like an almod tree in flowery bloom. the trunk is ebony-ish and the leaves are all hand carved mother of pearl. it is absolutely incredible. (try not to think of the people who probably had to pay for it....o politics...)

i'm happy and i have one more interview to go. o snap!

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